Tuesday 26 November 2013


Libel law
You can be sued for damages if you publish or broadcast things about a person which are untrue and damage their reputation (defame them) The law was created to protect individuals or organisations from unwarranted, mistaken or untruthful attacks on their reputation.
example:A US federal judge in Los Angeles has dismissed David Beckham's claim for libel and slander against a celebrity magazine that alleged he slept with a prostitute.
Obscene publications act
The definition of this is content that is "likely to deprave and corrupt" the audience for which it is intended.Lawyers may need to check whether a production breaks this law before it is released. Content such as sexually explicit, violent and/or drug taking is reviewed for suitability. Decisions are made dependent on factors such as age range of the audience, the time a production is broadcast.
examplesThe British Board of Film Classification today reversed its decision to refuse classification to controversial horror film The Human Centipede II. In June this year Tom Six's horror sequel was rejected by the board for a UK DVD rating on the grounds of sexual violence, graphic gore and the possibility of breach of the obscenity law.
The official secrets act
 It is a criminal offence to obtain or publish any information from a serving or former member of the security and intelligence services or from certain categories of civil servants or public contractors where that disclosure would be damaging.
The maximum sentence for spying is 14 years' imprisonment; however, longer sentences may be passed as consecutive sentences for a series of offences. George Blake, who spied for the Soviets in the 1950s, was sentenced to 42 years' imprisonment - three consecutive 14-year terms.
Copyright law
This law exists to protect people's creative endeavours so that they can properly benefit from their work. If such protection didn't exist and people were able to copy or sell or profit from another's work, there would be little incentive for people to create in the first place. Programme-makers are responsible for ensuring that all necessary clearances (copyright, trademarks etc.) have been obtained for their programmes.
The popular films, dating from the Soviet era, are being made available to download as smartphone apps.But the original film-makers have not given their permission for the films to go on sale.Apple said it took copyright complaints seriously and took action as soon as it received a complaint.Films available via iTunes include old favourites such as Gentlemen of Fortune, Assa, The Diamond Arm, Kin-dza-dza and Cheburashka.Despite their age, the films and cartoons are still protected by copyright.
The owners of the copyright on the films - Russian film studio Mosfilm and the Joint State Film Collection (Obyedinennaya Gosudarstvennaya Kinocollectsia) - have told the BBC they have not given consent for their films to be sold in the app stores.
Privacy law
If a media company publishes information about someone which is information that should be considered private, that is to say, information in respect of which you had a ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’, then legal action for misuse of private information can be brought under the Human Rights Act 1998.
Milly Dowler's family have been offered a multimillion-pound settlement offer by Rupert Murdoch's News International, in an attempt to settle the phone-hacking case that led to closure of the News of the World and the resignation of the company's chief executive, Rebekah Brooks.
It is understood that News International has made a settlement offer estimated by sources at close to £3m, a figure that would include a £1m donation to charity. But the publisher has not yet reached agreement with the Dowler family, whose lawyers were thought to be seeking a settlement figure of closer to £3.5m.

Thursday 21 November 2013

my animation

i have use the programme istopmotion3 in my animation, also i i use the USB hue cam to capture the images. istopmotion is very useful because it keeps an onion skin of the last picture that you jus took so you dont lose place.

  this is the end result of my animation

Thursday 14 November 2013

my character

my character 

this is my character that i have made for this lesson. i have used five different colours for my character, i have used the colour orange for the body by rolling it into a ball then i made the arms and legs i used blue for the arms and orange for the legs i made them by rolling them out, i managed to make the face by spreading the the brown out on the desk and made the mouth out of blue then made two dots they were the colours white and green and put them on top of each other.